Thursday, February 3

Wanted: Indulgences. Will pay top $$.

Editor's note: If you’re sensitive like LSG’s college, just enjoy my story and don’t read the links to Dooce. Just cause I read it and laugh til I pee my pants does not mean you'll find it equally hilarious. In fact, you might find it offensive. If you read my story and decide to proceed to Dooce, consider thyself warned.

Also, a healthy dose of sarcasm when reading my or the LSG's comments is necessary for "getting" this. If you think Dooce is taking me down the wrong path, I welcome your comments. (But mostly because I'm self-absorbed and I like the idea that someone is reading my blog, so keep that in mind.) But until then, I'm going to continue to enjoy the Daily Photo and remain disappointed if it's not Chuck .

Hello Ainsy!
I would like you to know that I got blocked from my internet for 4 days because of your little favorite website, DOOCE!
The Dean of Students sent me an e-mail saying that she reviewed the site that I went to and she said that there is some language that their filter picks up. But she said that it is nothing that should make her think that she should keep my internet disabled. So it is now hooked up.It probably goes on my record that I was looking at porn or something! Anyway no more going there!
Well I will talk to you later, even though you got me in trouble. haha
Love ya
Little Shoe Girl

My Response:

ooohhh. Do you need your older sister to call the dean of students and let her know that I'm going to H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks and leading you down the path of destruction? That it’s all my fault?

No, really, I'm sorry that it happened! :( I guess I should have been more careful, and thought about the fact that when I read it out loud to Mom I inherently edit it for content. Tell anyone who knows you and knows that this happened that I'M the sinner, and that you're sweet and kind and good. Since I'm 2000 miles away, it's a lot easier for me to take the blame for the sinning in our family! (darn it, that naughty sense of humor I have).

And in total irony, you JUST GOT DOOCED! Well, she got fired for saying funny/derogatory things about her job, and you got reprimanded for the same blog, so, in essence....Dooced!

So, do you love me even though you are thisclose to being forever tainted?And You're so wrong. My favorite site is....I don't know. but it's one of those intellectual ones on the side. Honestly. The number of Heather's links I've sent to you matters not.

And since you're down the road to destruction, I'll give ya another little shove. Here's to your big sister leading you "astray"

(Ok, and not really, if you just had butterflies whip up in that tiny little tummy of thine. I'm not really T.H.A.T eeeviiilll.)
Lv ya, Ains

Response from Little Shoe Girl:

Yeah I guess you can blog it. But really I did get Dooced. I didn't even think about that!
Now that you know you are a terrible sister who is going to h-ll and sending her sister there too, I hope you repent! NOW!
Anyway I am going to go get some work done.

Get thee to Confession!

Love Little Shoe Girl

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