Wednesday, August 10

And I thought I had it bad...

MSN Money - Extra: Even affordable housing increasingly out of reach

I'm currently looking at the Billings housing market, planning on buying something (condo/townhome/1950's house) within the next year and a half or so. In reading this article (which I nerdily find facinating), I noticed two things:

First off, my CA Friends, you're so screwed

and secondly, My Minneapolis friends, you're going to be screwed soon: "But Lipman said cities like Tulsa and Minneapolis, which had traditionally been thought of as more affordable, are now a concern."

If you really want to feel good about your chances at owning a house(or bad - I'm not sure what Hawaii's housing is like, but I'm thinking "not cheap" ) check out the "Gauging affordibility" table about halfway down the article.

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