Search terms leading people to my site:
- britney spears and esfj
- what is your first expression to your husband when you are pregnant
- good nicknames for tall people
- ghetto phone (I think this is funny - why does this person want to see a ghetto phone?? Moreover, did they find what they were looking for?)
- find the origin for the phrase "the face that launched a thousand ships"
- and 7 people trying to find lyrics to "We've got more bounce in California"
and the longest one? that would be:
guard your heart friendship relationships christian test and build the relationship in real-life settings.
To you, my friend, I say - please, read my blog, but I'm obviously not the best at building relationships in real life settings!
{And also? This is not being formatted the way I want, when it's published. I hope that list bullets aren't a necessity for reading this blog, because I'm TRYING. I really am. Blogger's just being stubborn!}
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