Wednesday, July 20

Or in other words, we've got too much crap.

Self-Storage Nation - Americans are storing more stuff than ever. By Tom Vanderbilt"

"But living in a land of wants, not needs, creates its own dilemmas, as evidenced by the concurrent rise of stores like Hold Everything and the Container Store—stuff to hold stuff. Note the curious growth in the 'home organization' market: reality shows like Clean Sweep and magazines like Real Simple, or, more strikingly, the robustness of the National Association of Professional Organizers, which saw a 50 percent rise in membership in the past year."

Eeiiinteresting. Elsewhere, the auther says "So, let's get this straight—houses got bigger, average family sizes got smaller, and yet we still need to tack on a billion-plus square feet to store our stuff?


Anonymous said...

I hate junk. I love open spaces. We just went through our house and unloaded a dumpster full of crap from our basement, our garage and our main storage closet in the loft area of our house. However, we could not avoid falling victim to the storage "industry," as we purchased about $200 worth of storage shelves from Ikea, and another $100 worth of storage bins from Target. We could probably go through all the stuff on those shelves 20 more times and throw half away each time, but then the $300 would seem like a waste as we stared at all those empty bins and shelf space.

Anonymous said...

I've spent the last 10 years slowly dejunking and it all came to an end last summer when I pulled off my own clean sweep and had a huge garage sale.

We definitely have too much stuff!

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