Friday, March 24

Editing. So misleading!

A few weeks ago, I was presented with a delightful pair of shoes from Ma soeur délicieuse. I, not being the shoe goddess that she is, submitted a question to a favorite of fashion commentators.

yes, I am blogging about Manolo two days in a row. Too bad.

Dear Manolo,

My sister, the Imelda Marcos of our family, informed me a few years ago that chunky shoes are out. I immediately started buying higher, thinner heeled shoes. Now the Wedge is in and my sister bought me a pair. What do you think of the wedge? Can you show us girls an example of a good wedge to buy, and the kind that would cross the line of "chunky and ugly." You've been most helpful in refining my knowledge of shoes. I appreciate your help.


And this morning, I woke to find his reply:

Hello to the Ainsley!

The Manolo he has selected your question to use in his weekly columnat the Express of the Washington Post. It will also be published tomorrow morning at the Manolo's humble shoe blog. Many thanks for submitting it.

Muchos Besos!


P.S. You are indeed super fantastic!

Now, being a newspaper editor for our college gives me an understanding of editing, but his particular editing is a bit.... misleading. His response is humorous, as always, though based upon a false premise. Have fun reading!

So I post my original email for corrections' sake, to say that Little Shoe Girl is actually my very sweetest friend and the maestro of all things shoes. Sorry Manolo! She'll beat you out every time - she not only finds great shoes, but finds them in "the poor girls" price range!

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With octaves of a mystic depth and height