Tuesday, March 28

Another Vote ( Because they're fun, that's why!)

Which phone should I buy?

  • Sleek and cool
  • compact


  • Hands-free Headset? Oh, that'll be $50-100 for a bluetooth headset
  • Want a MP3 player? Buy an IPod (of course, buying an Ipod can be considered a "Pro")
LG 8100 (MP3 player)

Pros: MP3 player and phone in one - consolodation, baby!

  • $30 just for the headset and music converter
  • $30-75 for the disk (so you can hold more than 10 songs on your phone)

Which Phone should I buy?
LG 8100
The Razr
Free polls from Pollhost.com

1 comment:

iPhone or Android said...

I have Sony Xperia Mini Pro and I'm very much content with it. Can anybody please tell me how I can buy a mobile phone if it is not being sold anymore in the market?

Thanks & Regards,

With octaves of a mystic depth and height