Friday, December 30

Done! done-done-done-done-DONE!

This isn't even remotely close to as important as the work Christ did, but it is finished. Kinda.
Most, some or maybe none of you know that I'm going to start taking master degree courses long distance from Covenant Sem. Primarily I'll work on Systematic Theology courses. (Quoth Mentor Dave as he looked at my course schedule: "Yeah, that's a good idea. All of these have LOTS of reading. Get it done now.") Sooo...

My application essay (for the non-degree program) is FINISHED! Yea! (Ok, kinda finished, but it just need another set of eyes to edit it. Then it will be emailed off.)

I have to set small deadlines to accomplish anything. So, yes, this is much easier of an app essay than the one I may do in a year, but it's still done. Now the scary part begins.

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