It's mushy-wet and drizzly and gray outside today. I often think that days like this one are perfect days - If you can stay home from work. These days were prevalent when I lived in the Cities, and had an especially nostalgic/reflective feel when I lived in my apartment in Downtown St. Paul (built in 1912). Things I would have done today if I still lived in STP (it goes without saying that I would have played hooky!) :
1) Made and consumed tons of coffee at home - best feeling: Wrapping your hands around a nice, thick, warm mug and staring out of the window.
2) picked up an old book and read a few chapters.
3) Listened to Trespassers William.
4) curled up in a nice, soft, warm blanket.
5) Watched a few episodes of Buffy, Season Two.
6) arranged to meet MOB for Mochas and politic talk in the afternoon
7) Made a warm, tasty casserole-y something for iTones for dinner when she got home (my apartment being on the second floor, it was warmer, comparatively speaking).
8) talked all evening with Tones, usually laughing hysterically over something no one else would have gotten.
9) wished I could repeat it the next day
Funny, it was raining here today too, and I was waxing nostalgic for #6 on your list.
A casserole would have been nice too.
Miss ya, kid.
That is the one thing I am missing on west coast. The occasional rainy day. Notice I said "occasional". Even when it does rain, it is not the same there is no thunder or lightning. I don't miss the seasons, but I miss the thunder and lightning. Good ol' MSP.
Except I don't get any vacation until we're well into winter!
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