Wednesday, December 29

Christmas Gift

One of the best gifts I received this Christmas (ok, right after the oh-so-amazingly-soft sherpa robe from my mom) is the book "If" by Amy Carmichael.

Carmichael ministered to Irish Mill workers, the Japanese, and then in 1895 she began her ministry to the children of India until her death in 1951.

"If" is a collection of thoughts on True Love. I'm reading a few each night.

Last night:

If I can enjoy a joke at the expense of
If I can in any way slight another in
or even in thought,
then I know nothing of Calvary Love.


If in dealing with one who does not
I weary of the strain, and slip
from under the burden
then I know nothing of Calvary Love.

How true, personally convicting, and compelling!

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With octaves of a mystic depth and height