Saturday, February 23
Thanks, MSN
Yesterday, I had a discussion with some co-workers about wanting to read Les Miserables, but as we talked about it, I thought "How am I ever supposed to get through that book, with life happening at light speed?
This morning I've signed up for DailyLit's emailed segments (there's 679!) and I've read one chapter. I know that I'll get behind, but I'm of the opinion that failing to do something perfectly but continuing to try is better than thinking, "oh, I'll never succeed at that."
I've also been sucked into "Damn Interesting," which has proven to be quite appropriate. Hopefully they'll have a lot of unusual history stories. Because I am a history junkie. I'm already planning what we can do when we visit Philly and DC in 3 weeks!
Finally, Adam and I watched "Michael Clayton" last night - Bruce Clark recommended it, so we downloaded the rental off of iTunes. Outside of having to wait for 4 hours for the 1 GB to download (Does that seem unusually long to anyone else?) it was convenient to not have to leave the house to get a rental. We did hook up speakers to my computer, because, let's face it, there really aren't good speakers on anyone's computer.
Thursday, February 14
Valentines Day, 2008
I declared this to one of my best guy friends this morning, and in one way it's very true.
Singles feel their single hood most acutely today, and many of those attached to another are either feeling the pressure to perform, or have resigned themselves to a moderate amount of effort - effort that may or may not meet the expectations of their significant other.
That all said, this has been a pretty darn decent (albeit sleep deprived) valentines day. Adam and I have plans for tomorrow, and I awoke early this morning to bake homemade cinnamon rolls (his favorite addiction) for VDay2008. I wonder what I've gotten myself into for future VDays.....
I'm however in full support of Molly's Black (lab) Thursday declaration, and loved this commercial she posted. You should watch it. It will make your Valentines day that much better.
And in honor of my cynical, jaded VDay self, the one that is still there a bit, I link to this post.
Sunday, February 3
Trying this AGAIN for the 4th time
I've had a post written for about a week, and as time has gone on this week, I've tried to add to it. The problem is that Blogger's preview is not accurate to what is seen in Firefox. Of course I haven't checked it in IE, because IE is stupid.
So here I go again. It will be a mix of what was written and a few additional comments from today.
This was originally titled: Holiday Survey
I just received a "year in review" updated from a friend of mine, which reminded me to write a little something here.
A friend of mine asked how I had changed, since I've begun dating Adam. I couldn't think of anything at the time, but I realized shortly after that conversation that something has indeed occurred: I have dedicated hours of time cleaning up my iTunes "Coverflow." One of my boyfriend's personality traits is loving an organized iTunes. So he and I've been working on it for a few days.
Christmas break was great, and since I've had almost 6 weeks off, I'm ready for classes to begin. Classes last semester went very well. I'm finishing up my final 4 classes and will begin my counseling internship next year.
A great blessing in my day-to-day life has been my 5 roommates. 6 people living in one house has a good chance of bringing stress and frustration, but we've worked through the little conflict we've had, and each girl brings a lot of grace to the table. We also have bonded through our love of impromptu dance parties.
So, here is a picture montage of the month of January:
I went home and spent time with the Fam

Adam came home to Montana to celebrate my birthday and Christmas vacation. He survived a bunch of talkative German folk who get together frequently for coffee.
I celebrated my 25th birthday. At least that's was the median guess of my age.

The best part of "5-roomates +a long Christmas break" is the various laid-back things we've been doing - marathon games of "Settlers of Cataan," lots of dinners and a fabulous "PJs and Pancakes"

In which we also watched cartoons, as
we enjoyed lots of coffee with a great breakfast spread.

I returned to small group.....

And started up babysitting the cutest little girl on earth....