Tuesday, January 31
Tuesday Quote
Jay Leno
Monday, January 30
Love Works Wonders!
Forwarded to me from my friend and former Army Ranger from Texas
Little Melissa comes home from first grade and tells her father that they learned about the history of Valentine's Day.
And if other kids saw what I did and sent valentines to Osama, he'd love everyone a lot.
Wednesday, January 25
Tuesday Quote
Mabel: You are very late!
Lord Arthur Goring: Have you missed me?
Mabel: Awfully!
Lord Arthur Goring: Then I am sorry I did not stay away longer. I like being missed.
Mabel: How very selfish of you!
Lord Arthur Goring: I am very selfish.
Mabel: You are always telling me of your bad qualities, Lord Goring.
Lord Arthur Goring: I have only told you half of them as yet, Miss Mabel!
Mabel: Really! Are the others very bad?
Lord Arthur Goring: Quite dreadful! When I think of them at night, I go to sleep at once.
Sir Robert Chiltern: Anyway, what's that saying about there being plenty of fish in the sea? Lord Arthur Goring: Ah, yes, but I couldn't possibly marry a fish. I'd be sure to land an old trout.
Lord Arthur Goring: Father, there's someone there I'd like you to talk with.
Lord Caversham: What about?
Lord Arthur Goring: About me, sir.
Lord Caversham: Not a subject on which much eloquence is possible.
Monday, January 23
There are few things...
and catching just the slightest scent of a woodburning stove.
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
Psalm 8:3-4
Sunday, January 22
She makes the best CDs
I'm now listening to her 2006 mix CD - and the beginning of "The Piano Man" just transported me to Vandalia/Cretin Avenue - where I used to drive to work. Somewhere near the University of St. Thomas or Macalester College. I borrowed "The best of Billy Joel' (or some similarly titled cd) from someone in college, burned it, and played it nonstop for a very long time right after I graduated.
Hm... The Piano Man, co-eds and busy streets in the Minnesota fall. Why is it that songs can move you so quickly across space and time?
Friday, January 20
Fun Blog Stuff

A fun website to visit when you have extra time on your hands and if you're curious to find out which celeb you ought to be mistaken for. Sometimes it takes a while to load. . . .but without it, how would you know that you look like Grace Kelly?
They give you a few options -my other notables are Jennifer Aniston, Sophia Coppola and Anne Frank. Yeah. I know. Anne Frank? So every now and then you can't help but go, "WHAT? No I don't!"
It's a little more fun to upload pictures of your friends.

LSG, You look like: Scarlett Johanson, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston and Sophia Coppola. So I guess you and I are related ;)
hat tip to MOB - thanks!
You can blame Lost - aaannnd Banana Republic
So, I'm spending just as much time as ever online, it's just that my life has become incredibly boring. I work frantically all day long (with maybe a run by DMM's office to say 'hi') and then I come home. Or I'll go to the other job. But if I come home? We catch up on Lost. We're almost finished with the episodes that have been aired to this point, so maybe my life will become interesting again.
Or maybe work will slow down, and I'll have time to think up random things to post.
or not.
Thursday, January 19
Something to talk about ;)
Little Brit-Bun will be around by the time I get out there for our National Conference, so that will be one more reason to look forward to September.
Saturday, January 14
Friday Photo (Darn Right!)
Cute little Tee shirt that - if I were still the dancing queen I once was - I definitely would be wearing it out on a Friday night.
(as it is, I'm just appreciative of the gift, and the good memories it brings back!)

I suppose that this means I need to a) go get my hair cut and colored and b) stay away from peroxide highlights!
Wednesday, January 11
Tuesday Quote
Ains: "Hey Mike. Has the store been this slow all day?"
Mike: "Uggghhh. It's been excruciatingly slow. I think it's caused brain damage."
Monday, January 9
Lost and Fined
I'm an old grandma compared to the driving "skills" of that group. And I get irritated if people aren't going 45 on Shiloh Road, as I hit the gas to glide along at 50! Hey, Anne, Be careful driving around Oahu or wherever they're all playing Mario Andretti!
And is it wrong to hope Michelle Rodriguez gets kicked off the show for her drunk driving/speeding?
Yes, I've now delved into writing about a show on my blog. But I've done that before. Before I knew Kristen Chenoweth is a Christian.
Friday, January 6
A blond joke I actually laughed at.
Thursday, January 5
I don't envy the Humane Society with all those puppies, especially since it isn't supposed to be "Puppy season." But who doesn't like puppies? Even the ugliest breeds are cute puppies!
Monday, January 2
How you can tell it's your birthday.
The very nearest parking space to Walmart's doors.
"It's your Birthday?"
~Emperor's new Groove