Friday, October 3

Fear in the City

I'm required to write response papers on the Theories and Techniques chapters I'm reading each week. So in that spirit:

A "Response post" on the Sex in the City Movie

"We're just two adults who have decided to get married."

While Adam's proposal was very romantic, we had talked about and even planned aspects of our wedding before the proposal. We had decided weeks before that we WERE going to be married, it was just a matter of time.
I think one of the most steadfast things about our marriage is that Adam once stated (and we both understood) that Love is --yes, about passion, friendship, romance - but it's ultimately about a decision.

Charlotte (reading Page Six) "'Proving to single gals everywhere that there can be a happy ending over 40'"
SITC writers just addressed one of the biggest fears and questions that American women have today. (Am I too old? Will this ever happen?)

Big: "young Lady, you need to get glasses."
Carrie: "No I don't, I have yours."
(I just liked this one. Yay for sharing stuff in marriage!)

Big: I want you. That's what I want. I coulda just gone down to City Hall."
Expressing the view of engaged men everywhere. Big weddings are always for the girl (and misc. women around the bride), very rarely does the groom care whether or not the wedding is large. Adam and I were really tired of the overwhelming-ness of a big wedding by the end of our engagement, and we were only engaged for 4 months!

Ok, the food in this movie is RIDICULOUS. They could only eat and spend this way if they were making a hollywood salary.

Miranda: "No I'm not all right. You two are crazy to get married. Marriage ruins everything."
So, you have the "forever single and loving it,"as typified in Samantha and the "Marriage/Relationship fulfills all" as typified in Charlotte. But the paragon of "marriage eventually dies a horrible death" is Miranda. The sad part of watching this character (and those in real life that believe in that philosophy) is that she doesn't see what she did to contribute to the breakdown of her marriage. She says the above to Big, who realistically is battling his own fears that his marriage to Carrie will break down.

Big calls Carrie and in one of the better, understanding, Carrie-as-counselor moments, she tells him that "it's me you're marrying. It's me and you." And that's very true. Commiting to one another, when you suspect that it can get bad (as exemplified in Miranda and Steve's relationship) is frightening. Fear raises a big, unabiding head. And you have to realize that the other person is in it, all the way, and that you're committed to being with one another.

So, for the last 10 minutes I've been wondering what bothered me about the climax of the "jilted at the alter" scene and it's this: Carrie, the night before is understanding and calm, but when it comes down to it, what does she scream at Big when she sees him after flees? "I am humiliated!" Now, yes, there are many things we can say about that, but it seems as though 1) it's not authentic to the "it's you and me" thing she said and 2) It's about her humilation, not his fear.

"Is it all about putting his needs before mine? Is it all about the other person? Is that Love?"
Miranda jumps in: No. that's marriage." Obviously, being all about the other person to the sacrifice of even your own wants is a negative thing to the SITC powers that be.

Dang, the writers are hitting on every fear!
Charlotte: "Because I'm afraid something bad is going to happen! I have everything I've ever wanted. I'm so happy that I'm terrified. Nobody gets everything that they want."

Yes! Carrie finally get's it: "And Miranda, in that article, I did not say 'we' once. The whole wedding was my point of view."

The final answer overall in the movie is to risk for a relationship, which is true, but it's tainted with the idea that you will not be whole unless you love yourself. This, enhh. Not so true. I would agree that a person needs insight into themselves, but much of that comes with being in relationship and seeing yourself as you really, really are: the good and the bad.
Forgiveness is a main theme, but what forgiveness means or encompasses isn't discussed much. (In the end, Steve and Miranda go to counseling and decide to put the past behind them.)

It was a good movie overall, probably put it in the 2.5 star category (not high enough to own, just rent).

1 comment:

Sharon said...


I bet you just loved this homework...I have never seen S & the City on TV or the movie -- even though I like the acting of several players -- First off, it's one more series to get hooked on, which I certainly don't need.

I do appreciate your comparison of the real life and its relationships, to the film world and a few warped screenwriters' take on dating/relationships and marriage.

Will be praying for both you and Adam as your fall study and work continues...

With octaves of a mystic depth and height