Wednesday, May 30
You know you're in St. Louis
When no one uses their blinker. Ever. Because the little stick next to the steering wheel? Yep, it's just for decoration.
Sunday, May 27
My blog has been staring at me. Ever have something stare at you? It says things like, "I'm empty. Write something."
Today I actually got real mail - a photo and a letter from one of my favorite people on earth. Her writing is always rooted in a steely-eyed reality, with a bit of sarcasm thrown in. I love it. She, too, has been having a difficult time sitting down and writing, but her writing was actually a letter, and she actually sent it. I figured I could do half as much and post to my blog.
Tonight my friend Liz and I went to Shakespeare in the Park with Liz's roommate, Liz's Roommate's fiance and Dave. We settled in with some wonderfully made pasta salad, uncorked the wine and enjoyed the warm, thankfully-not-muggy air, and listened to the kid's shorter version of Much Ado About Nothing pre-show.
And then we got drenched.
Drenched - not one piece of clothing was dry and the water was running in the streets up to my ankles.
Liz is the kind of girl that makes running in the rain fun and a memory to remember, instead of something to avoid or get out of quickly. I love her for that.
I think the only thing that would have made it better is having a camera, but it was raining so hard that the camera would have most definitely died.
Tomorrow I have a full day of seeing friends and friend's family. Monday I'll be trying to put in some work for my boss. Ironically enough, it's helping compile a manual that I would have overseen if I were still at Peacemakers. I guess once you get in, you never get out!
My classes start this week, and I'll be taking 6 credits. Dr. Peterson is determined to kindly kill us with reading. I'm determined to survive.
Today I actually got real mail - a photo and a letter from one of my favorite people on earth. Her writing is always rooted in a steely-eyed reality, with a bit of sarcasm thrown in. I love it. She, too, has been having a difficult time sitting down and writing, but her writing was actually a letter, and she actually sent it. I figured I could do half as much and post to my blog.
Tonight my friend Liz and I went to Shakespeare in the Park with Liz's roommate, Liz's Roommate's fiance and Dave. We settled in with some wonderfully made pasta salad, uncorked the wine and enjoyed the warm, thankfully-not-muggy air, and listened to the kid's shorter version of Much Ado About Nothing pre-show.
And then we got drenched.
Drenched - not one piece of clothing was dry and the water was running in the streets up to my ankles.
Liz is the kind of girl that makes running in the rain fun and a memory to remember, instead of something to avoid or get out of quickly. I love her for that.
I think the only thing that would have made it better is having a camera, but it was raining so hard that the camera would have most definitely died.
Tomorrow I have a full day of seeing friends and friend's family. Monday I'll be trying to put in some work for my boss. Ironically enough, it's helping compile a manual that I would have overseen if I were still at Peacemakers. I guess once you get in, you never get out!
My classes start this week, and I'll be taking 6 credits. Dr. Peterson is determined to kindly kill us with reading. I'm determined to survive.
Thursday, May 10
Newest residents of Bayer House

For the last month or so, one of my roommates thought that the cat (that lives in the hole in our house's foundation) might have had kittens. When I was home in MT, they found a tiny, tiny kitten under our porch and sent it off to a shelter. I have to admit, I thought perhaps that was it, but last week we found out that, yes, said roommate WAS correct. Little kittens do in fact under the Bayer house. I also think she must have super human hearing to have heard the mewing of little kitties.
The last couple of days we've watched them play (and run away if we got too close), and now, with the help of a lady in the computer lab, the mama cat has been caught. Once again, the computer lady came with mind set, and today she caught one of the little kittens.
So now we have a reason (cough- excuse!) to quit our studying for a bit, and go visit the little guy in the basement. We plan on catching the other two kittens and sending all three + mama to a kitty farm or to a kitten adoption place.
(Thanks to Kristi and Donetta for the photos)
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