Right after Spring Break, classes hit pretty hard, because we all realized (including our instructors) that with the Easter Break right on the heels of our Spring Break, we had limited time to read the numbers of books, write the papers and study for the tests.
The week before Easter, Madre and I were talking and found out that there was a very reasonable fare for me to get home. We snatched it up.
I thought about posting on this blog maybe a thousand times, but I wanted to surprise the Barrie Kids and my Sunday School kids with my return, and get big hugs, so I kept my flight plans a secret.
I had a great time seeing "my Kids." (Thanks to Kristin for the photo!)
Easter afternoon, we visited my grandmother in the nursing home. She had surgery a few weeks before, and was not doing well, and did not rouse from sleep when we visited. By Easter Monday, the nurses were telling us (without telling us explicitly) that she wouldn't make it much longer.
I had my return flight on Tuesday morning at 11. At 9:07, my grandmother passed into eternity. I sped up to the airport, and changed my return ticket so I came back to Cov yesterday.
Funerals are a lot - emotionally, physically and work-wise - and I'm very glad that the Lord provided some very incredible situations to allow me to stay home and be with my family during this time. Not the least miracle was the original ticket home, because I planned to visit my college friends in MN and WI during Easter, and had also planned a speaking opportunity that week in MN.
The Lord is Sovereign, indeed.
I'm now back in St. L, and finished a bit of homework. Back to reading.
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