Friday, March 23

Spring Break

Spring Break is really good for sleeping in. I'd like to say that I was up with the dawn each day, but I have been up so late (both at night and in the morning), in my former working-at-a-job life, I'd have been ashamed.

Spring break is good for working at a job. A job is good for making money. Money is good because then you can eat!

Spring break is great for finding new music. I realized yesterday that grad students can go exactly 1.5 hours interacting with one another over breakfast before breaking out the laptops to discuss something they found online, talk about music or burn time on Facebook.

Spring Break is not good for getting books read or homework done. If you're me. My friends are doing a better job than I am!

Spring Break is really good for introspection and time with God. He's taught me a lot of hard lessons this week, but he's also provided great friends with which to walk through those lessons.

Spring Break has been really good for the coffee consumption.

And Spring Break will be done in two more days.

Wednesday, March 21

You Know it's good

When a scene of Lost makes you cover your mouth - which has dropped open - and utter a muffled "OHMYGOSHHOLYCOW!"

Sunday, March 11


You would think that, after working for Peacemaker Ministries for 4 years, I would be able to dispatch conflict pretty quickly. This last week showed that I'm just as much of a sinner and conflict troublemaker as I ever was.

This past week was full of stresses. Many, many stresses and I didn't particularly feel like dealing with one of them. That particular stress, or the situation rather, really became the focal point of my bad attitude.

You see, I'm pretty good at dealing with conflict where an actual argument or difference of opinion occurs. The kind of conflict that happens that's more subtle? More about irritation and avoiding? That kind of conflict I am just horrible at dealing with. I'd rather flee, run away, take flight.

Which is what I did. Thankfully, we dealt with it last night, and this morning, I feel SO much better. 1,000 times better. I thought that I was avoiding something that was going to be hard and painful and difficult. Instead, I was putting myself through a HUGE amount of tension and frustration while not dealing with the conflict.

So, once again, the Lord has shown me where I don't have all of my peacemaking ducks in a row. But, he is still faithful still to teach me and walk with me, even when I'm not taking the most spiritually mature attitude.

Sunday, March 4

Lost Quotes

"Let's get this car started...Let's look death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man." Let's make our own luck."

With octaves of a mystic depth and height