Well, it's been 2 months since I posted, and I'm sure almost no one is reading this, except the random family member or those with an RSS feed.
Truthfully, one of the reasons I didn't post was that each time I thought up a post during my engagement I wanted to complain. Spending two months with all of my earthly belongings at one apartment, but sleeping on a blow up mattress at another was enough to drive me a little crazy and make me a bit ungrateful (although I'm abundantly grateful for my female roommates who allowed me to stay with them).
On top of it, I dealt with many of the questions and decisions having to do with planning a wedding, but never was able to see those small things that indicate that you are, in fact, getting married.
So having a wedding seemed surreal. Even getting my hair and makeup done seemed as though I was just playing a bit of dress up.
But at the end of the day, I was pronounced as having a new name, and was Adam's wife.